Unraveling acronyms in medical translation

We know that an acronym is a word (or abbreviation) formed by the first letters or syllables of other words. Most acronyms are expressed in uppercase letters, although that is not always the case: scuba and laser are so well known to us that they have become accepted as words in their own right. In […]

who mythbusters

WHO and Mythbusters

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about medical literature and science popularization like no other condition before, and I’m sure every medical translator has been busy translating these types of texts for the past 12 months and counting. Last week, I translated an article on how some people use antibiotics in the hope of preventing this […]

Prefixes in medical terminology

Medical terminology may seem like a foreign language to many people. In fact, in many aspects it works as such. To get the meaning of medical terms, we need to break down each word into different parts. A medical term consists of a prefix, the root word, and the suffix. The prefix appears at the […]
